Introduction of College

The College of Humanities and Applied Sciences at the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology comprises seven departments: the Department of Applied Foreign Languages, the Department of Cultural Heritage Conservation, the Graduate School of Technological and Vocational Education, the Graduate School of Applied Chinese Studies, the Graduate School of Leisure and Exercise Studies, the Graduate School of Science and Technology Law, and the Graduate School of Materials Science. 

The college houses four major industry-university research centers, which include the Taiwan Spin Phenomena Integrated Nanotechnology Research Center, Taiwan Architecture Studio and Tangible Cultural Heritage Center, Center for Yunlin Educational Service, and the Cultural Objects Conservation Research and Promotion Center.

Additionally, there are eight major research and promotion service centers: the Asian Industrial Cultural Assets Center, Culture Technology Research Center, Educational Technologies Research Center, Taiwan Sinology Research Center, Sustainable Tourism Research Center, Smart Learning Research Center, Intellectual Property Law Research Center, and the Taiwan Temple Culture Research Center. These centers provide support to teachers and students in teaching, research, and services, while also promoting industry-university cooperation projects among industry, government, academia, and research. 

Our college integrates existing resources to enhance the quality of education. We encourage academic research and exchange, and we actively promote industry-university cooperation and services. We plan and integrate various departments based on the development direction and characteristics of the college to implement the concept of running a school. 

We hope that our college can make a positive contribution to the cultivation of talents who value both science and technology and humanities, integrating theory and practice equally.