Department of Cultural Heritage Conservation


TEL: 05-5342601 #3061~3062

Department Website


Department Introduction

  • The only comprehensive graduate program in cultural heritage in the country:

The research focus, curriculum design, and development goals of our department are closely aligned with the contemporary context and industry needs. We conduct relevant research and social practices in areas such as "Heritage Conservation and Community Preservation," "Cultural Resource Research and Application," "Conservation Technology and Restoration," and "Cultural Administration and Cultural Management." 

  • Diverse Faculty and International Connections:

Full-time teachers bring diverse and international perspectives, with doctoral degrees obtained from countries such as Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Japan, and Taiwan. We also hired foreign professors for courses conducted entirely in English.

  • Curriculum designing emphasize on industry connections:

The overall structure of our curriculum is built upon "Foundational Skills," "Professional Competencies," "Practical Skills," and "Career Orientation." It aims to balance students' foundational, professional and practical abilities, thereby forging their employability. 

  • A distinctive feature of our university is the equal emphasis on research and practical application. Our department emphasizes on academic and industry research, encouraging faculty to engage in collaborative projects with industries. These projects encompass a wide range, including “National Cultural Policy Research”, Restoration and Survey of Historical Sites”, "Documentation and Application of Religion, Crafts, Ethnicity, and Cultural Assets”, “Planning and Management of Cultural Parks and Museums”, “Survey and Revitalization of Industrial Cultural Assets," "Cleaning and Restoration of Cultural Artifacts with Different Materials," and "Planning for Conservation Environments." The fruitful results of these industry-academic collaborations contribute significantly. Additionally, we actively promote student internships in the professional field to cultivate practical expertise and ensure the practical service-oriented approach of our faculty and students.