College Development Characteristics

The College develops research, teaching, and service with equal emphasis: 

Research forms the foundation of teaching, and teaching constitutes the responsibility of educators. Emphasizing both aspects can lead to the mutual enhancement of teaching effectiveness. Teachers serve as the backbone of school operations and drive administrative efforts. Additionally, the promotion of school administration relies on the contributions and services of teachers.


Emphasize cross-department interaction: 

While professional departments have their own specialized research orientations, the increasingly complex nature of social affairs demands the concerted efforts of scholars and experts from various academic fields to address them. Furthermore, the interaction between different disciplines facilitates the development of new ideas across various professional fields. 


Specific practices on integration of theory and practice:

One of the core principles of the college is that theory and practice should mutually reinforce each other, avoiding the isolation of the ivory tower and the reliance on trial-and-error approaches. To achieve this, the college conducts research in various areas. In terms of mathematical research, it focuses on integrated circuits, magneto-optical optical discs, high-temperature superconducting materials, and the upgrading of traditional industrial products. Additionally, the college undertakes comprehensive community building, resource investigation, and research, encompassing community culture and history, including the compilation of local chronicles. Furthermore, in the field of biology, various studies on biological toxicity and water quality testing contribute to integrating theoretical research into practical operations, leading to concrete implementation.


Close Communication with The Community: 

The university should closely interact with the community. In terms of academics, the industry-university cooperation conducted by the college is responsive to local needs and problems. Concerning community services, the college actively offers various extension education classes, aiming to be a source of knowledge that fosters the continuous growth of the community. Additionally, teachers in our college contribute to the local area beyond their roles in teaching and research, such as serving as advisory committee members of the Yunlin County Cultural Center.